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Little Boy Playing Doctor

Health and Safety

Illness Policy


Following the Ontario Child Care and Early Years Act (CCEYA), signed and fully documented Medical Reports and Authorization for Medical Treatment forms must be presented on or before the first day of care.  Children cannot be admitted without a completed medical form.  This information must be updated whenever immunization is given during the year, or a physician note changes to the child's medical health.  Parents are required to provide updated immunization information for their child(ren) to the Middlesex-London Health Unit regularly as well. 

Our Centre can maintain good health by thoughtful parents keeping sick children at home and educators promptly reporting symptoms.  It's not fair for your child to be at childcare when they are sick — the only place anyone wants to be when ill is at home - adults and children alike.



The following list outlines when a child is too sick to be at our Centre and should remain at home:


    a) any contagious disease (i.e. measles)

    b) diarrhea

    c) been vomiting

    d) an unidentified or undiagnosed rash

    e) conjunctivitis (i.e. pink eye)

    f) bronchitis

    g) a severe head cold with a fever

    h) an axillary temperature of 38.3 C 


If a child has contracted a contagious disease, they cannot return to the Centre until they are free from symptoms for 24 hours and has a doctor's note.  Also, parents must keep their child at home for at least 24 hours when they have been suffering from a high temperature or eye infection, and 48 hours if they have diarrhea or nausea.  A doctor's note will also be required upon return to the Centre if your child has had any skin eruptions, rashes or parasites.




KidZone is a nut-free centre (peanuts, walnuts, hazelnuts, cashews, etc.).

Please ensure that all food items sent to our care facilities do not contain any nut products. It’s important that you update our staff on any existing allergies your child may have.



Our staff cannot treat children with unauthorized prescriptions without parental consent, and will not administer any prescription that hasn’t been monitored for less than 24 hours post-intake. Please contact your physician if you are unsure of your child’s medication procedure and update our staff immediately.


COVID 19 Protocol

As we continue to shift with COVID-19 from a pandemic state, and as we enter the ever-dreaded cold and flu season, I wanted to provide a quick update on our policies and procedures for dealing with illness:


  1. Like the school board, children are not required to mask while at the centre, and masking cannot be enforced by our staff for families who would like to see their children masked. 

  2. Families are required to keep symptomatic children home until they have been fever-free and symptom-improving for a consecutive 24h (48h if nausea, vomiting or diarrhea are present) period without the help of medication(s) (antibiotics excluded). These rules apply for both COVID-19 and non-COVID illnesses and to staff members.

  3. Students and staff alike can continue to attend daycare when an immediate household member has tested positive for COVID if they are symptom-free 

  4. If your child is ill, or unable to attend the centre, please notify the centre as soon as possible (preferably before 9 am). A brief description of symptoms will help the staff to be aware of other children who may be coming down with the same illness. 

  5. Any contagious disease (i.e., hand foot and mouth disease) known to be ‘active’ within the centre will be posted on the door of the second entrance. 


Commonly asked questions:


Q: If my child is ill and cannot attend daycare, do I have to pay?
A: Yes, fees will continue to be due regardless of attendance


Q: Will I get an email update about COVID-19 cases or other communicable diseases in my child’s class, or in the centre?
A: Yes, if there is an outbreak in your child’s room, you will receive a separate email communicating that your child’s classroom has been affected. Communication will also be publicly displayed as stated above. 


Q: Will these policies change?
A: We don’t know. The board of directors meets monthly and monitors both the concerns of parents, as well as public health information.  Updates will always be emailed to families informing them of all policy changes.


There is more detailed information in your parent handbook (please email the centre if you need a copy). If you have any additional questions, comments, or concerns please feel free to email anyone on the board at or to the centre directly.



School screener:

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